Tomatoes, peppers and herbs growing nicely. They still aren’t looking like much, but all are strong and healthy. I can’t wait until they start looking more like peppers or tomatoes.

Fun Fact:
Did you know that seeds sprout in one of two forms? They start life with either 1 or 2 embryonic leaves.
Grasses, corn and wheat are an example of a MONOCOT and have a single leaf.
Beans, tomatoes and peppers are a DICOT and have two leaves when they sprout.
In the picture, the seedlings on the left are cucumber, a dicot type seed, and you can clearly see 2 separate leaves. The seedlings on the right are corn, a monocot, and although it blends into the background a little bit, you can see that it only has a single leaf when it is starting out.

Didn’t you always want to know that?